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Our books
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Teal Trust Transparency

First English version, May 2023

How do we design human and sustainable organizations? Alicia and Rolf Medina both have extensive experience of working in organizations. Based on a multi-year research project, they have developed a model called DP- model (Distributed Power) for creating progressive forms of organization based on trust, openness and equality.

The DP model strives to support leadership teams to create more human organizations. It is based on a systemic approach and a new way of shaping organizations that are not based on hierarchies of power. A central point is self-organization of work where people are given the freedom to use their skills and potential.


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Teal Tillit Transparens

1st Edition in Swedish, September 2021

How do we design human and sustainable organizations? Alicia and Rolf Medina both have extensive experience of working in organizations. Based on a multi-year research project, they have developed a model called DP- model (Distributed Power) for creating progressive forms of organization based on trust, openness and equality.

The DP model strives to support leadership teams to create more human organizations. It is based on a systemic approach and a new way of shaping organizations that are not based on hierarchies of power. A central point is self-organization of work where people are given the freedom to use their skills and potential.

Teal. Tillit. Transparens. contains concrete examples, practical tools and guidance for how the DP model can be used to support leadership and improve organizing. It is a book for everyone who is part of an organization and who wants to start or continue the journey towards a new way of organizing work.


Managing Project Competence

The Lemon and the Loop

1st Edition, January 2018

This book describes how we as individuals, as well as organizations, can be efficient in the development and utilization of competence. It takes two perspectives of competence and connects them in a project-intensive and knowledge-intensive context. The first perspective is the “Lemon,” which focuses on individual competence and the role of organizational culture. The Lemon framework takes the concept of competence based on knowledge and experience and explains how a person can apply knowledge and experience to different contexts. It changes the concept of competence from being static to being agile and dynamic.





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Ethics and Governance in Project Management

Small Sins Allowed and the Line of Impunity

1st Edition

This book shows executive, project, program, and portfolio managers how ethical behavior can ensure that an organization has proper governance. Improper governance and unethical behavior have led to such well-known financial disasters as Enron and Madoff Investments. The book arms managers with two important tools: Small Sins Allowed (SSA) and Line of Impunity (LoI), which together can be the foundation for renewed and vigorous corporate governance. SSA is a powerful tool that helps managers establish a level above which adherence to ethical standards is expected. LoI aids managers in identifying ethical fault lines that may exist in a company and helps to keep unethical behavior in check.


Scientific publications

Our scientific publications are in the field or organizational studies, new ways of organizing, competence management, learning and leadership.



Publication Journal/Conference Status Affiliation
Medina,A.; Lopez, E; Medina, R (2020)
“The Unethical Managerial Behaviours and Abusive Use of Power in Downwards Vertical Workplace Bullying: A Phenomenological Case Study”
Social Sciences. 2020, 9, 110; doi:10.3390/socsci9060110
Published 2020 Issue 6, Volume 9, doi:10.3390/so csci9060110


Medina,A.; Lopez, E; Medina, R (2019)
‘The unethical managerial behaviours and abusive use of power in downwards vertical workspace bullying. A phenomenologist case study‘
EURAM 2019, 2019, 26th-28th June, Lisbon, Portugal
Presented June 2019
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2018),
‘Managing Project Competence: The Lemon and the Loop ‘
Taylor Francis Inc, United States Series: Best Practices and Advances in Program Management
Published January 2018
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2018),
‘The Linkage between Learning Capabilities and Innovative Capacity a Case Study ‘
Journal of Leadership, Accountability and Ethics
Published 2018 Issue 1, Volume 10, 125-142
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2017),
‘Managing competence and learning in knowledge-intensive, project-intensive organizations: A case study of a public organization ‘
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
Published 2017 Issue 3, 505- 526
Medina, A; Jurburg, D, Ruibal, C (2017),
‘Introducing a new framework for education in engineering based on the competence loop and Bloom’s updated taxonomy: Learnings from a longitudinal study ‘
REES 2017 – Research in Engineering Education Symposium 2017, 6-8 July, Bogota, Colombia
Presented July 2017 Preceding in Scopus
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2017),
‘Competence management in knowledgeintensive, project-intensive organizations ‘
GIKA (Global Innovation and Knowledge Academy) 2017, 2017, 27-29 June, Lisbon, Portugal
Presented June 2017
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2017),
‘The linkage between learning capabilities and innovative capacity ‘- A case study
EURAM 2017, 2017, 3th-5th June, Glasgow, UK
Presented June 2017
Lopez, E., & Medina, A (2016)
‘Ethics and Governance in Project Management: Small Sins Allowed and the Line of Impunity ‘
Taylor Francis Inc, United States . Series: Best Practices and Advances in Program Management
Published March 2016
Medina. R., (2016)
‘Competence management in knowledge-intensive, project-intensive organisations’
Doctoral thesis, SKEMA Business School, France
Submitted November 2015, defended in February 2016
Lopez, E., & Medina, A. (2015),
‘Influence of ethical behaviors in corporate governance ‘
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
Published 2015 Vol. 8 Issue: 3, pp.586- 611, https://do JMPB-02-2015- 0021
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2015), ‘The competence loop – Competence Management in Knowledge-Intensive, Project- Intensive Organizations’
International Journal of Managing Projects in Business
Published 2015 Volume:8, issue:2,.279 – 299
Medina. A & Francis, A. (2014),
‘What are the characteristics that software development project team members associate with a good project manager?’
Project Management Journal
Published 2015
Issue: 46(5)
DOI: 10.1002/pmj.2
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2014),
‘The project manager and the organisation’s long-term competence goal’.
International Journal of Project Management
Published 2014 Volume 32, Issue 8, 1459– 1470
Medina, A., Müller, R., Turner, R. (2014),
‘Investigating the factors that cause the struggles that project managers and functional managers have in matrix organizations”
EURAM 2014, 2014, 3th-5th June, Valencia, Spain
Presented June 2014
Medina. A., (2013).
‘Investigating the factors that affect the struggles that projects managers and functional managers have in matrix organizations, and the consequences thereof’.
Doctoral thesis, SKEMA Business School, France.
Submitted December 2012, defended in March 2013
Medina, R. & Medina, A. (2012),
‘An explorative study about: The Project Manager’s degree of Involvement In competence management In Swedish projectoriented organisations and Its Impact on the organisation’s long-term competence goal’.
EURAM 2012, 2012, 6th – 8th June, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
Presented June 2012
Medina, A., Müller, R., & Bredillet, C. (2011),
‘The unresolved struggles between Project Managers and Functional Managers in Matrix Organizations’.
EURAM 2011, 2011, 2nd-4th June, Tallinn, Estonia.
Presented June 2011


Releasing the unrealized potential

By providing leadership support and guidance to organizations about self-organizing, modern ways of work and about how to move into the future.