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Tiden är NU! #8

“Tiden är NU!” #8 Communication

14 October 2021 09:30 - 11:00

The theme of October episode (14/10) of “Tiden är NU!” is Communication, and will be discussed by Rolf and Alicia Medina together with Karin Tenelius from Tuff ledarskapsträning.

This includes transparency, various forms of communication, the view on and meaning of feedback and the best-before-date for information. What is needed to create transparency and good communication is clarity, accessibility and openness. An organisation should strive for as much transparency as possible. Feedback should be directed forward, with the purpose of improvement instead of criticism. More about the DP-model here

_______ Temat för oktoberavsnittet (14/10) av “Tiden är NU!” är kommunikation. Det kommer att diskuteras av Rolf och Alicia Medina tillsammans med Karin Tenelius från Tuff ledarskapsträning.

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14 October, 2021
09:30 - 11:00
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On web radio AV EGEN KRAFT